At Light and Salt Services, we aim to care and provide services with compassion and knowledge to the needy and vulnerable, to promote healthy living, and to foster a sense of community responsibilities.

Light and Salt Services (LSS, also known as the Christian Servanthood Foundation) is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization whose mission is to unite the manpower and resources of the Austin Chinese community to serve local communities in need, both Chinese and non-Chinese alike. All the events of LSS are non-religious, non-political, and non-profit.


What We Do?

As a non-profit charity organization, we hosted a variety of seminar, sponsoring support groups, providing services and resources with focuses on but not limited to medicine, health, legal, financial and tax issues for the Asian community. Since its inception, LSA has sponsored multiple annual events, including: Parents’ Day celebrations, winter clothing drives, and special days with seniors. LSA also mobilized the Chinese community to raise relief funds for victims of natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan, China and the 2009 earthquake in Haiti. To learn more, please visit this "link".

Our Five Centers as Framework for Services:

  1. Cancer Support
  2. Special Needs Caring
  3. Information Media
  4. Basic Needs Assistance
  5. Community Outreach
  • General cancer seminar and monthly support group meeting (1st Saturday of each month, from 2 to 4 pm at Chinese Bible Church, 6025 Sovereign Dr., Houston, TX 77036)
  • Breast cancer support group meeting (2nd Saturday of each month, 2 to 4 pm at Hope Clinic, 7001 Corporate Dr., Suite 120, Houston, TX 77036)
  • Help line, follow-up phone care, home and hospital visits
  • Patient assistance such as transportation and language assistance
  • Patient navigation and services referrals
  • Free wigs, hats and prostheses
  • Free bilingual cancer-related educational materials.
  • Free mammogram screenings
  • Caregiver and volunteer training workshops
  • Monthly support group meeting (3rd Saturday of each month, 3 to 7 pm at Evangelical Formosa Church, 12013 Murphy Road, Houston, TX 77031)
    Adults: fellowship, special topic seminar, dinner and social
    Children: fellowship, art and craft, special skill training and hand chime practices
  • Help line, follow-up phone care, home visit, language assistance, social services
    consultation and referrals
  • Hand chime chorus
  • Radio Program (AM 1320, Monday to Friday, 10:30 to 11 am)
    • “Soul Pomp”- Mandarin, every Monday or listen at
    • “Cantonese Radio Program”- every Tuesdays to Fridays or listen at:
  • Monthly Newsletter, Yearbook, and Website:
  • Publications:
    • Houston Cancer Resource Guide
    • Breath Health Directory
  • Winter clothing drive
  • Senior care
  • Disaster relief
  • Promote and provide free assistance for Obamacare Insurance applications


 How Can You Contribute?

Since Light & Salt Services' inception, with the support of donors and volunteers every year hundreds of people in the central Texas area benefited from the services of Light & Salt Servicesn. If you have any questions, please contact us. If you are willing to donate to support us, we accept check. All donations are tax deductible.

You can send your check to the following address:

13010 Research Blvd., #224
Austin, TX 78750




Special Thanks

We appreciate the selfless contribution of our team of volunteers, enthusiastic doctors and speakers, as well as the community support and sponsorship for Light and Salt Services. It is your support that has enabled us to provide continued free services to the community in need. We also want to express our appreciation to the Houston Light and Salt Association (LSA). LSA started in 1997 with the same goal as LSS. Ever since our beginning, LSA has been providing various invaluable assistance to us. We at LSS will continue to search for opportunities to further serve the community. We welcome anyone who shares our vision to please join us. As a non-profit organization, any donation would be greatly appreciated and we would love to hear your ideas on how we may better serve the community.


Very special thanks go out to the following agency or organizations for their generous support:
