华语堂牧者及助理 Mandarin Ministry Pastors and Assistant
華語堂牧师 Mandarin Pastor 週二至五辦公電話 Office Phone (Tue.– Fri.) 512-339-8675 ext.105 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
徐心道牧师 1983 年从台湾来Iowa 读企管硕士时信主,1984 年与妻子方静琦一起受洗。1986 年两人在北加州取得电脑硕士后,迁至洛杉矶,都在 Unisys 担任软件系统工程师,并在刚植的圣迦谷罗省基督教会参与事奉。1990 年底加入十七人的团队到洛杉矶东区植堂,成立生命泉基督教会。同时接受全职事奉呼召,1994 年富勒神学院毕业。1997 起在纽约州大学城旖色佳牧养华人教会十六年半,力求栽培学生及学者成为神国工人。2000 年带领教会成立英文堂后,兼任英文堂牧师八年。全职牧会期间,他兼任康乃尔大学校牧,并持续进修,2008 年三一神学院教牧学博士毕业。2013 年用约一年时间将大学城事奉交棒后,蒙神引导来到奥斯汀担任本教会华语部牧师。除了有两个已成年的女儿外,還有一個小外孫及一個小外孫女。
Rev. Tony Hsu came to US from Taiwan in 1983 for his MBA study. He and his wife Jenny soon accepted Christ and got baptized together in 1984. After getting their master degree in computer science they moved from Silicon Valley to Los Angeles in 1986 to work for Unisys as Software Engineers, and they joined a newly planted church FEC-SGV. Four years later they joined a team of 17 people to plant another church RLCC in the east side of Los Angeles County. At the same time God called them to full-time ministry, and Tony completed his M.Div. studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1994. From 1997 to 2013 he served in Ithaca, NY, the college town of Cornell University, focusing on students/scholars ministry. After leading the church to start English worship service in 2000 he served as both Chinese Pastor and English Pastor for 8 years. While pastoring the church full time, he also served as Cornell University chaplain, and he continued to equip himself by completing Doctor of Ministry study at Trinity Evangelical Divinity in 5 years (2003 to 2008). After using almost one full year to pass the college town ministry baton, God guided them to move to Austin at the end of 2013 to serve as our Mandarin Pastor. In addition to two grownup daughters, Lydia and Tina, he also has one grandson and one granddaughter. |
華語堂副牧师 Mandarin Associate Pastor 週二至五辦公電話 Office Phone (Tue.– Fri.) 512-339-8675 ext.106 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
刘心亮牧师生长于中国河南,青少年阶段曾辍学浪迹于乡野,投身于矿井生活。期间蒙主拣选,浪子回头,在上帝那里找到自我和人生意义。后重返校园,继续学业,并先后在江西财经大学获经济学学士(2001)和管理学硕士学位(2006)。大学期间经历生命的更新和成长,并在校园开拓福音团契。2001年毕业后积极委身于当地家庭教会服事,在服事中回应神的呼召和带领,于2006年秋和妻子同心携手赴美,在西北浸信会神学院攻读道学硕士。神学院毕业后,蒙神带领,于2010年到加拿大,全职牧养爱城华人基督教福音堂十二年半。他在牧会期间持续进修,于2023年富勒神学院教牧学博士毕业。蒙神引导,2023年加入奥斯丁华教会牧养华语会众。神赐给刘心亮与章蕾夫妇一双可爱的儿女,儿子刘明德、女儿刘明玉。 Rev. Michael Liu was born and raised in Henan China. During his teenage years, he dropped out of school and wandered through the countryside, eventually working in a mine. During those rebellion years, however, the prodigal son was saved by Christ and found his life purpose and meaning in God! Later, he returned back to campus by God’s grace and was able to accomplish his bachelor’s (2001) and master’s degrees (2006) in Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics. During the university, he was nurtured and equipped by local church Christians, experienced spiritual growth and renewal. He started the university student fellowship and devoted himself to serving in the local house church after graduating in 2001. By answering God's calling in 2006, he and his wife Ruth went to the United States to study for a Master of Divinity at Northwest Baptist Seminary. After graduating from seminary, he moved to Canada in 2010 and served at Edmonton Chinese Christian Church for twelve and a half years. During his pastoral ministry, he continued to pursue further studies and will graduate with a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2023. Guided by God, in 2023, he joined Austin Chinese Church to pastor the Mandarin congregation. Michael and Ruth are blessed with two children, Joseph and Jenna. |
發展策略團 Development Strategy Team
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林旭东长老 生长于台湾. 在1978 年1 月到德州大学奥斯汀校园攻读会计硕士学位. 先后取得会计师与管理会计师执照. 毕业后任职州政府审计部与退休金制度部门, 后又任职于下科罗拉多水利管理局25 年后退休. 林长老在1982 年参与本会创会事工.1983 年与李幼宁姊妹结为夫妇. 育有一子一女, 均已就业. 林长老在教会中曾任财务, 灵修, 长期策划, 崇拜, 社区服务, 主席, 副主席, 华语事工, 及校园团契.. 等等. 于2010 年按立为长老.
Elder Morgan Lin grew up in Taiwan and came to UT Austin for his master degree of Accounting in 1978. He then earned his CPA and CMA certificate. After graduation, he worked for State Auditor's Office, Employees Retirement System, and LCRA for 25 years before his retirement. In 1982, Elder Lin joined the team to start the ACC before he married his wife Yuning in 1983. They have one son and one daughter. Elder Lin served in Finance, Devotion, Long Term Planning, Worship, Community Service, Chair , Vice Chair, and Mandarin Ministry deacon positions. He was ordained as an elder in 2010. |
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王训涛长老 从小跟随父母去教会聚会, 在十四岁时蒙恩得救, 受洗成为基督徒. 与娴雅的妻子里琴在1979 年结婚. 在1981 年来到德州大学奥斯汀校区攻读土木工程研究所的学位. 毕业后在休士顿有短暂的工作机会, 并于1987 年全家搬回奥斯汀. 也在那时开始在奥斯汀华人教会参加崇拜, 并学习成长与事奉. 训涛全家四人( 女儿与儿子) 有固定的教会生活. 在过去二十年里, 蒙主的怜悯他有机会在不同的岗位上学习服事与成长.
Elder Shin-Tower Wang grew up in a Christian family in Taiwan and received Jesus Christ as his personal savior when he was 14. Shin-Tower married his lovely wife – LieChing in 1979 and then came to the University of Texas at Austin for an advanced degree in civil engineering in 1981. After graduation and a brief professional career in Houston, he and his family moved back to Austin in 1987, and have joined Austin Chinese Church since then. His family (including daughter Janie and son Kevin) has attended the church meeting/service regularly. He has served at different areas in ACC for the past 20 years. |
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张延唐长老 来自台湾, 于IBM 公司工作多年, 提前退休后在达拉斯神学院得研习证书, 现专心服事教会及从事社区服务. 张长老及徐清姊妹于1982 年本教会成立时即为创会家庭之一. 在教会中曾在财务, 儿童, 宣教, 主席, 校园团契等许多部门服事, 2007 年成为教会长老, 育有两子均已就业.
Elder Philip Chang came from Taiwan. After worked in IBM for many years, he took early retirement and got a Certificate of Graduate Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is now serving in ministries at church and services for the community. Elder Phil and wife Ruth was one of the founding families of our church in 1982. He served in many ministries, including finance, children, mission and chairman, and became an Elder in 2007. The Changs have two sons who are both working now. |
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王厚祥长老 1996年自中國大陸來美, 在俄亥俄州邁阿密大學學習. 畢業後一直在 IT公司工作, 1998感恩節與太太曹艷麗一起在俄亥俄州哥城華人基督教會受洗歸主. 2000年4月搬來奧斯汀後一直在奧斯汀華人教會敬拜與事奉, 曾擔任團契主席, 並先後在會員部、本地佈道、校園事工、敬拜部門擔任執事,也曾擔任華語事工總協調和教會長執會主席。他們的兒子Jimmy已成家立業。
Elder David Wang came to the US in 1996 and graduated from Miami University, Ohio. He has been working as an IT professional. David and his wife Yanli Cao were baptized in November, 1998. They moved to Austin in 2000 and have been attending ACC since then. David has served as a fellowship coordinator, and a deacon in various ministries such as Membership, Local Evangelism, Chinese College, and Worship. He also served as the Mandarin Ministry Coordinator and Church Council Chairman. Their son, Jimmy, is now a proud father and works as a medical doctor. |
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蔡勇長老 于1989年来美,先后在密西根大学和奥科拉荷马大学从事研究和攻读学位。目前在IT公司工作。1991年7月与太太俞虹一起受洗归主。他们育有二女一子。1998年来奥斯汀,并加入奥斯汀华人教会。他也参与团契和主日学事奉。
Elder Yong Cai came to the US in 1989, and conducted research and received advanced degrees in pharmaceutics and computer science. Currently, Yong Cai is working as an IT professional. Yong Cai and his wife Hong Yu were baptized in July 1991. They have two daughters and a son, Rachel, Jessi and Daniel. Yong came to Austin in 1998 and attended Austin Chinese Church since then. Yong has also served in Fellowship and Sunday School. |
华语事工同工 Mandarin Ministry Coworkers
華語事工總協調 Mandarin Ministry General Coordinator |
徐鯤弟兄 1999 年來美工作,2001 年在基督之家三家受洗歸主。2008 年搬來奧斯汀,並加入奧斯汀華 人教會。在國語家庭團契聚會,事奉。曾擔任過小組長,團契主席,短講同工,及團契其他事奉。並 參與教會兒童事工多年。與周燕姊妹育有一子一女。
Brother Kun Xu came to the US in 1999 from Mainland China. He accepted Jesus Christ and was baptized in The Home of Christ Church in Fremont in 2001. In 2008, he moved to Austin and joined Austin Chinese Church. His family attends MFF (Mandarin Family Fellowship) since 2008 and served in different positions, such as cell-group leader, chairman of fellowship, bible study short speaker, ACC's children ministry, and other different roles. He and Sister Yan Zhou have a son and a daughter, Jonathan and Floria.
華語事工副總協調 Mandarin Ministry Associate Coordinator |
李越 2007年从国内来美国工作,2009年复活节与妻子何莹一起受洗归入主名。2012年全家搬来奥斯汀。在ACC担任家庭小组同工以及主日学老师。与何莹姐妹养育一女一子。
Yue Li came from mainland China, he is married to Ying and they have two children, Grace and Daniel. Yue accepted Jesus Christ and got baptized together with Ying in 2009. He moved to Austin with family in 2012 and has been serving as a family group coworker and Sunday school teacher in ACC. |
華語事工副總協調 Mandarin Ministry Associate Coordinator |
馮兆生弟兄出生於中國廣州,1986 年來美留學。獲得電子工程學位後,一直從事半導體行業的 IC 設計,IC 製造和 設計工具服務。 1999 年他和妻子謝雯搬到奧斯汀,並於 2000 年的復活節在 ACC 受洗。他們有一個兒子和一個女 兒,超絡和凱嘉。馮弟兄在 ACC 兒童部(Awana),國語家庭團契和華語堂領詩小組服事。 Dan Feng grew up in Guangzhou, China and came to US for graduate study in 1986. After receiving his degree in Electrical Engineering, he has been working in IC design, IC manufacture and design tool support in semiconductor industry. Dan and his wife Wendy moved to Austin in 1999 and were baptized at ACC in Easter of 2000. They have a son and a daughter, Andrew and Candra. Dan served in ACC children's ministry (Awana), Mandarin Family Fellowship and singspiration team of Mandarin congregation. |
崇拜 Worship |
Yaxin Bao, came from Mainland China to the US in 2005, and earned a MS of Engineering in 2007. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior and was baptized in Rock Chinese Church of Austin in 2008. He met his wife, Yun-Yu Hsieh, at ACCCF (Austin Chinese Campus Christian Fellowship). They held their wedding at ACC in 2011, and have one daughter and two sons. Between 2012 and 2017, they were gathering and serving in Fort Bend Community Church in Houston. When Yaxin, with his family, returned to ACC in 2017, he has been serving in Little Lamb Fellowship and Agape Family Fellowship as a small group leader and then the fellowship coordinator. He also serves in the Singspiration team and Sunday School teaching at ACC.. |
崇拜聖樂 Worship Music |
林聰成弟兄出生於台灣台中市。15歲出國在加拿大安大略省讀書,在教會認識他的妻子,他們有三個 女兒。目前在手機遊戲公司擔任藝術經理。他於1996年在海明頓國語福音教會受洗。他在2014年來到 奧斯汀華人教會,多次參與教會年度布道大會海報設計,並在2014年底開始參與主日崇拜詩歌敬拜事 工。他也曾在Avery Ridge小組擔任小組長一年,並參與帶領成人主日學。
Brother Alex Lin was born in Taichung city, Taiwan. At age 15, Alex studied abroad in Ontario Canada and met his wife at local church. They have 3 daughters together. He is an Art Manger in the mobile gaming industry. Alex was baptized at Hamilton Mandarin Evangelical Church in 1996. He first attended ACC in 2014 and help designed annual church mission conference poster for many years. He also participated in leading Sunday worship songs, teaching adult Sunday school and was Avery Ridge small group leader. |
本地佈道 Local Evangelism |
包砺彦弟兄 ,于 1990 初从,中国大陆来美,先后于 University of Toledo and Penn State University 就读和研究。一直以来在 IT 行 业工作。2008 年于休士顿福遍华人教会得救受洗,爱妻刘霞 1994 年受洗,夫妻共同开始学习小组服事。2011 年搬至奥斯 汀,加入新生命团契开始享受团契生活,先后在小组组长,团契副主席,团契主席,招待,国语崇拜总负责,主日学 等各 个不同岗位学习如何在主里服事弟兄姐妹。蒙神怜悯,育有二子一女,都已长大成人。
Mark Bao came to the United States in 1990 from Mainland, China. He studied and did research in University of Toledo and Penn State University. He had been working in the IT field as a Database administrator. Mark accepted Christ in 2008 and was baptized at Fort Bend Community Church in Sugar Land TX and quickly started serving in the small group there. His wife, Anna, was baptized in 1994. When Mark and Anna moved their family to Austin in 2011, they immediately felt a connection with the members of the New Life Fellowship and have continued growing and serving God as small group lead, NLF vice coordinator, NLF coordinator, Mandarin worship usher, Mandarin worship coordinator and Sunday school teacher. With God's grace, Mark has two sons and one daughter, all grown up. |
灵修 Daily Devotion |
陳振興弟兄 在台灣工作多年後,於1989前來北加州聖荷西從事電腦製造業,並與妻子鄭玉琦姊妹在當地教會學習事奉、受裝備。於1999年搬到奧斯汀繼續工作和參與事奉。在教會中曾經在團契、兒童事工、本地佈道、成人主日學等部門服事。他們育有兩對兒女,第一對兒女已成家分別在德州和加州就業,第二對兒女皆已大學畢業,分別在小學擔任教師和南達科他州就業。
Scott Chen came to San Jose, California in 1989 after working in Taiwan for 13 years. Scott and his wife Dorothy joined the Christian church in San Jose and served until 1999 before moving to Austin. In the past decade, Scott and his wife served together in many ministries, including Fellowship, children, local Evangelism, and adult Sunday school. The Chen’s have four kids. The two oldest are married and work in Texas and California. The two youngest already graduated from college, daughter is an elementary school teacher in Houston and the son works in South Dakota as an engineer. |
教育 Education |
李保林弟兄 于于1995年从中国大陆河北来到美国留学。1998年在美读书期间在校园团契受洗归入主的门下。2000年与妻子边彦慧搬来奥斯汀,一直从事软件工作至今。来到奥斯汀后开始参加ACC主日崇拜,后于2010加入国语家庭团契并先后参与小组、团契和教会主日学服事。他们育有一女,目前已就业。
Baolin Li came to United States from Mainland China in 1995. While studying in graduate school, he believed in Jesus Christ and was baptized in 1998. In 2000, he and his wife, Yanhui Bian, moved to Austin working as a software engineer to present. After they moved here, they started attending the Sunday services in ACC and then joined the Mandarin Family Fellowship in 2010. In MFF, he has been serving the Lord through Cell Group, Fellowship, and Church Sunday School. The couple has one adult daughter who is working in California. |
關懷 Caring |
秦国栋弟兄 于1995 年由中国来美留学,1998 年复活节受洗归主。同年8 月因工作搬来奥斯汀,稍后加入奥斯汀华人教会。在新生命团契学习并参与小组及团契其它服事。他与顾东红姐妹育有一女一子。
Guodong Qin came to the United States from Mainland China in 1995. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior and was baptized in 1998, then moved to Austin for his job as a software engineer and joined Austin Chinese Church. Guodong and his wife Donghong joined New Life Fellowship and served as group leader, fellowship coordinator and other roles. They have a daughter and a son, Ashley and Brandon. |
婚姻家庭事工 Family & Marriage |
汪良忠弟兄 来自中国大陆。1996年来美留学。从普渡大学获得电子工程硕士之后,一直在半导体行业从事多媒体的开发工作。1998年在印城华人教会蒙恩得救。2002年来到ACC,先后在新生命团契和UTAF团契事奉。2013-2014年担任华语堂关怀执事。他与妻子林梅育有一男一女。
Larry Wang came from mainland China as a student in 1996. After graduating from Purdue University with a MSEE degree, he works in semiconductor industry, developing multimedia products for many years. Larry was saved by the grace from Christ at Indianapolis Chinese Church in 1998. In 2002, he and his family moved to Austin and joined ACC, serving the Lord in NLF and UTAF. He was elected as a new deacon in 2013. He and his wife Linmei are raising a boy and a girl. |
主日服務台 Sunday Service Desk |
贺国辉姊妹 大学毕业后于1996年从大陆来美国留学,后从事计算机软件开发工作。2012年和先生吴曙光弟兄一起在ACC受洗归主,曾参于教会儿童事工和小组服事,育有两个女儿。
Guohui He came to the United States from Mainland China in 1996. She has been working as a software developer after obtaining her Master’s degree. She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior and was baptized at ACC in 2012. She has served in children’s ministry and her group. She and her husband Shuguang have two daughters.
参与全教会性事工的华语堂同工 Church Wide Ministries Coworkers
長執會副主席 Church Council Vice Chair |
周明弟兄來自中國大陸。1994年在美讀書時通過校園團契信主受洗。2000年搬來奧斯仃後加入ACC, 主要參與團契及主日學事工。他從事於計算機軟件行業,與妻子Wendy育有兩個兒女。
Brother Ming Zhou was originally from mainland China. He became a follower of Christ and was baptized in 1994 while attending a campus Bible study group in the US. His family joined ACC after moving to Austin in 2000. Since then, he has mainly served in fellowships and Sunday School ministries. Ming works in the software industry. He and his wife Wendy have two children. |
財務 Finance |
何蔚瓊姊妹於1997從中國來美。 2000年獲得計算機碩士學位後,一直就業於計算機軟體 行業至今。 2007年和先生齊文傑弟兄一起在ACC 受洗歸主後在新生命團契學習,先後在 教會,團契與小組各個不同崗位學習如何在主裡服事弟兄姐妹。 與先生齊文傑弟兄育有 一兒一女。
Joan He came to United States from Mainland China in 1997. Joan has been working as software engineer after obtaining her Master degree in CS in 2000. She and her husband Wenjie were baptized together at ACC in 2007. Joan has been growing and serving God in different positions in church, fellowship or small group. With God's grace, Joan and her husband Wenjie have one son and one daughter |
會員事工 Membership |
舒林梅姊妹 于1996年从大陆来美国留学,后从事计算机软件开发和管理工作。1997年在印城华人教会受洗归主,2002年搬来Austin加入ACC。和先生汪良忠一起参于教会和团契服事,包括婚姻、福音、和职青事工。育有一儿一女。 Linmei Shu came to the United States from Mainland China in 1996. She has been working as a software developer and manager after obtaining her Master’s degree. She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior and was baptized in 1997. She has served in church fellowships, marriage enrichment ministry, and evangelism ministry. She and her husband Larry Wang have a son and a daughter. |
沈萌傳道1997年赴美,於2000年獲華盛頓州立大學電機工程博士,之後在電力行業工作12年。他於2002年信主,蒙神呼召2007年入達拉斯神學院學習,並於2012年12月獲神學碩士。2013年一月開始擔任奧斯汀華人教會華語部副牧師。他與師母目前育有六子一女。 Pastor Simon Shen came to US in 1997. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Washington State University, then worked in utility companies for 12 years. He received Christ in 2002, and entered Dallas Theological Seminary in 2007. He received the Th. M. degree in 2012 and came to serve as the Mandarin Associate Pastor at Austin Chinese Church in January 2013. He and his wife are raising a young family of 6 boys and 1 girl. |
張延唐長老來自台灣, 于 IBM公司工作多年, 提前退休後在達拉斯神學院得研習證書, 現專心服事教會及從事社區服務. 張長老及徐清姊妹于1982年本教會成立時即為創會家庭之一. 在教會中曾在財務, 兒童, 宣教, 主席, 校園團契等許多部門服事, 2007年成為教會長老, 育有兩子均已就業. Elder Philip Chang came from Taiwan. After worked in IBM for many years, he took early retirement and got a Certificate of Graduate Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is now serving in ministries at church and services for the community. Elder Phil and wife Ruth was one of the founding families of our church in 1982. He served in many ministries, including finance, children, mission and chairman, and became an Elder in 2007. The Changs have two sons who are both working now. |
林旭東長老生長於台灣. 在1978年1月到德州大學奧斯汀校園攻讀會計碩士學位. 先後取得會計師與管理會計師執照. 畢業後任職州政府審計部與退休金制度部門, 後又任職於下科羅拉多水利管理局25年後退休. 林長老在1982 年參與本會創會事工.1983年與李幼寧姊妹結為夫婦. 育有一子一女, 均已就業. 林長老在教會中曾任財務, 靈修, 長期策劃, 崇拜, 社區服務, 主席, 副主席, 華語事工, 及校園團契.. 等等. 於 2010 年按立為長老. Elder Morgan Lin grew up in Taiwan and came to UT Austin for his master degree of Accounting in 1978. He then earned his CPA and CMA certificate. After graduation, he worked for State Auditor’s Office, Employees Retirement System, and LCRA for 25 years before his retirement. In 1982, Elder Lin joined the team to start the ACC before he married his wife Yuning in 1983. They have one son and one daughter. Elder Lin served in Finance, Devotion, Long Term Planning, Worship, Community Service, Chair, Vice Chair, and Mandarin Ministry deacon positions. He was ordained as an elder in 2010. |
鄒昆執事來自中国大陆, 1992年來美留學, 获得阿拉巴马大学计算機碩士後曾於多家科技公司任職和参与創多家高科技公司,他于1994年悔改,蒙恩得救。在教會中曾在兒童, 团契, 華语事工协调, 主席等許多部門服事, 现任宣教部执事,他与魏畅姊妹多年参与UT 学者事工, 育有两子一女. Deacon Kevin Zou came to the United States from Mainland China in 1992 and obtained a Master of Computer Science from the University of Alabama at Huntsville. He has worked with a number of technology companies and co-founded a few software companies as well. In 1994, he was saved by God’s grace and has since then served in many ministries, including children’s, fellowship, the Mandarin congregation, and as deacon board chairman. He is currently the mission deacon. He and his wife Cathy Zou have been ministering together to UT scholars for over 10 years. They have two sons and a daughter. |
王厚祥执事现任华语堂事工协调人。他于1996年自中国大陆来美留学于俄亥俄州迈阿密大学;两年后獲地理学硕士和计算机系统分析硕士。此后一直在IT行业工作。1998年感恩节在哥城(Columbus, OH)华人教会与太太曹艳丽一同受洗。自2000年搬至奥斯汀后便在ACC敬拜与事奉,先后担任国语家庭团契主席、会员部、本地布道及校园事工执事。过去八年来在UTAF(UT学者事工)事奉。育有一子。 Brother David Wang is currently serving as the Mandarin Ministry Coordinator. David is from mainland China. In 1996, he came to the States to study at Miami University, OH. Two years later he graduated with a M.A. in Geography and M.A. in Systems Analysis. Since then he has been working as an IT professional. David and his wife, Yanli Cao, were both baptized at Columbus Chinese Christian Church, on the Thanksgiving Sunday of 1998. After relocating to Austin in 2000, he has served at ACC as the Mandarin Family Fellowship Coordinator, Chairperson of Mandarin Pastor Search Committee, deacons in Membership, Local Evangelism and Campus Ministry. David and his wife have been serving in UT campus ministry for the last 8 years. They have one son who is currently studying medicine.
陳振興執事在台灣工作多年後,於1998 前來北加州聖荷西繼續工作,並與妻子鄭玉琦姊妹在當地教會學習事奉、受裝備。於1999 年搬到奧斯汀繼續工作和參與事奉。在教會中曾經在團契、兒童事工、本地佈道、成人主日學等部門服事。他們育有兩對兒女,第一對兒女已成家在他州就業,第二對兒女分別在大學和高中就讀。
Deacon Scott Chen came to San Jose, California in 1998 after worked in Taiwan for 13 years, Scott and his wife Dorothy immediately joined the Christian church in Christ, San Jose and served until 1999 before moving to Austin. In the past decade, Scott and his wife serve together in many ministries, including Fellowship, children, local Evangelism, and adult Sunday school. The Chen have two pairs of children, the first pair of children have married and work in other states. The second pair, younger daughter is in College, the younger son is in high school.
鄭林錦执事来自中国大陆,物理学博士,从事理论物理研究。于2000 年加入奥斯汀华人教会,并在国语团契,本地布道(包括AWANA),地区祷告会等事工上服事。他与妻子陈莹姐妹育有一男一女。现为本地布道部执事。
Brother Linjin Zheng came from mainland China. He received his Ph.D. degree in 80s and since then has been working as a theoretical physicist. He joined Austin Chinese Church in year 2000 and has been serving in Mandarin family fellowship, local evangelism (including AWANA), and regional prayer meeting, etc. He and his wife Ying have a son and a daughter. He is currently serving as the local evangelism deacon.
王達年執事在香港出生及長大。1990移民加拿大加入普通話的教會,2002移居到美國,在教會三十多年參與各類事奉,過去幾年在宣教部事奉,現任個人佈道執事, 他與妻子馬岱玲育有兩女。 Adam Wong was born & raised in Hong Kong. He served in Yan Fook Church for many years before moving to Canada in 1990. He joined a Mandarin speaking church there in Canada. He moved to Austin in 2002. In the past 30 years, he served in many different areas & positions in churches. Adam served in ACC’s Mission Ministry for the last 6 years and currently serves in Personal Evangelism. He and his wife Doreen Wong have 2 daughters – Penny & Priscilla. |
汪良忠執事来自中国大陆。1996年来美留学。从普渡大学获得电子工程硕士之后,一直在半导体行业从事多媒体的开发工作。1998年在印城华人教会蒙恩得救。2002年来到ACC,先后在新生命团契和UTAF团契事奉。2013年第一次成为ACC分管关怀的执事。他与妻子林梅育有一男一女。 Larry Wang came from mainland China as a student in 1996. After graduating from Purdue University with a MSEE degree, he works in semiconductor industry, developing multimedia products for many years. Larry was saved by the grace from Christ at Indianapolis Chinese Church in 1998. In 2002, he and his family moved to Austin and joined ACC, serving the Lord in NLF and UTAF. He was elected as a new deacon in caring department in 2013. He and his wife Linmei are raising a boy and a girl. |
王訓濤執事從小跟隨父母去教會聚會, 在十四歲時蒙恩得救, 受洗成為基督徒. 與嫻雅的妻子里琴在1979年結婚. 在1981年來到德州大學奧斯汀校區攻讀土木工程研究所的學位. 畢業後在休士頓有短暫的工作機會, 並於1987年全家搬回奧斯汀. 也在那時開始在奧斯汀華人教會參加崇拜, 並學習成長與事奉. 訓濤全家四人(女兒與兒子)有固定的教會生活. 在過去二十年裡, 蒙主的憐憫他有機會在不同的崗位上學習服事與成長. 訓濤現 在服事成人教育部. Shin-Tower Wang grew up in a Christian family in Taiwan and received Jesus Christ as his personal savior when he was 14. Shin-Tower married his lovely wife – LieChing in 1979 and then came to the University of Texas at Austin for an advanced degree in civil engineering in 1981. After graduation and a brief professional career in Houston, he and his family moved back to Austin in 1987, and have joined Austin Chinese Church since then. His family (including daughter Janie and son Kevin) has attended the church meeting/service regularly. He has served at different areas in ACC for the past 20 years. He is currently serving as the Education Deacon. |
秦國棟執事于1995年由中国来美留学,1998年复活节受洗归主。同年8月因工作搬来奥斯汀,稍后加入奥斯汀华人教会。在新生命团契学习并参与小组及团契其它服事。他与顾东红姐妹育有一女一子。现为华语部团契执事。 Guodong Qin came to the United States from Mainland China in 1995. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior and was baptized in 1998, then moved to Austin for his job as a software engineer and joined Austin Chinese Church. Guodong and his wife Donghong joined New Life Fellowship and served as group leader, fellowship coordinator and other roles. They have a daughter and a son, Ashley and Brandon. Guodong is currently serving as the fellowship deacon. |
蔡勇执事于1989年来美,先后在密西根大学和奥科拉荷马大学从事研究和攻读学位。目前在IT公司工作。1991年7月与太太俞虹一起受洗归主。他们育有二女一子。1998年来奥斯汀, 并加入奥斯汀华人教会。参与团契和主日学事奉。现为华语堂崇拜部执事。 Yong Cai came to US in 1989, and conducted research and received advanced degrees in pharmaceutics and computer science. Currently, Yong Cai is working as an IT professional. Yong Cai and his wife Hong Yu were baptized in July, 1991. They have two daughters and a son, Rachel, Jessi and Daniel. Yong came to Austin in 1998 and attended Austin Chinese Church since then. Yong has served in Fellowship and Sunday School, and is serving as Mandarin worship deacon. |